Adapt AIM Portfolios

An ISA-friendly solution accessing the Alternative Investment Market

For accounts which were opened before the 8th of July 2024 and you're looking to make a top up, please use this ISA application form or this non-ISA application form

For all new accounts, please use the application forms below.

What is an AIM (ISA) investment?

Many investors are storing up a potential Inheritance Tax (IHT) liability in Individual Savings Account (ISA) savings. The Adapt AIM Portfolios can be held in an ISA, enabling clients to retain ISA tax benefits and also mitigate IHT in as little as two years. They’re also available for both new and existing ISA transfers. Alongside this and mitigating IHT, clients can access the return potential in the Alternative Investment Market (AIM) and help to strengthen the UK economy.


Key Benefits



The portfolios combine our tax-efficient specialism with our stock-picking expertise. This ensures highly diversified portfolios relative to other providers.

ISA Eligibility

Clients can hold their AIM-listed shares in an ISA wrapper, making for tax-free dividends with no Capital Gains Tax on investment growth. This is alongside targeting IHT relief.


Clients have the choice of an Income, Growth or Mixed portfolio. They always retain access to and control of capital and can withdraw funds or leave them invested for growth.

AIM (ISA) Tax Benefits

Business Relief qualifying in as little as two years and if held at the time of death, mitigating IHT

No Income Tax

Growth free from Capital Gains Tax

Benefits of tax-efficient investments are subject to change and personal circumstances